The Perils Searching for Happiness through Introspection

Is it just me, or does it seem as if narcissism and materialism has increased significantly in the past three decades? 2000: when Snookie of the Jersey Shore declaresed herself “fascinating” as she stumbled in a drunken haze. 2010: Justin Timberlake brags “I’m bringing Sexy Back”. Today: The Bachelor finds...

A Whole New World

The deep divide in politics have brought United States immigration and refugee policies to the forefront of the nation’s consciousness. It has become a heated debate across political tables in Washington, and dinner tables in homes across the country. Both sides come armed with powerful and passionate arguments to support...

You Dirty Rat?

So, it seems we as humans have a nasty habit of treating one another like rats from time to time. However, in our defense, which species doesn’t occasionally slip into this kinda rat-like behavior? A fair enough question, but it it seems there is a species that doesn’t. And that...

Top Marketing Tips from Pro Photographers

Achieving professional success in the increasingly competitive photography industry takes more than talent. It also requires a good dose of marketing savvy. Having an amazing website, using social media effectively, and making your clients feel special top the list.